Orgasmo depois da tristeza (quase foi pego DUAS VEZES)
21,241 97%
I was having a bit of a rough week and was going to take a few days off but I thought that an orgasm might make me feel better so here I am. My toys are loud and someone came into the bathroom, and there is no way this person did NOT hear the noise. The person decided not to investigate the source of the noise and left when they were done, so I continued on. A few minutes later, someone else came in.My video abruptly cuts off after this. I did not get caught. The alarm telling me my break was over came on, and my video was cut off. I left the bathroom before the second person could ever investigate the noise. I washed my toys upstairs and went back to work.
Transcrição do Vídeo
Olá a todos, Prostephanie Wood. Eu sei que disse que não ia fazer o upload esta semana,
Mas hoje sinto-me melhor. Tem sido uma semana louca, só stress e outras coisas.
Mas depois de ontem à noite sinto-me melhor. Ainda não estou bem, mas estou melhor do que estava.
Têm sido uns dias difíceis, mas vou ficar bem.
Então, decidi fazer um vídeo porque pensei: