Ich wünschte meine Frau würde das machen.wenn sie kein bock hat. Möchte jemand anderes meine Ficksahne haben ? Schreibt mir wenn du besuchbar bist.!!!!
I'm glad that you're happy to just chill sometimes but still don't mind being fucked and used like that! I would definitely have had to cum deep inside your gorgeous wet pussy, but would love to clean you out afterwards with my tongue if you didn't want a mess on the sofa.... 😋😋😋😋😜😉
Lovely how he just used her cunt hole, came and then left. Also by cumming on her pubic hair avoided the risk of cum leaking out of her cunt onto the sofa, very neat and tidy. I do wonder though if she should wear a bra, without a bra it's easier access for the guy but over time her tits will droop.
Schreibt mir wenn du besuchbar bist.!!!!